Tuesday, March 24, 2009

An over-examined life

"An unexamined life is not worth living", so said Socrates. I have always been fascinated by this quote but never really felt that I understand its meaning. I do not know why but for sometime now, this quote keeps coming back to me for one reason or another. I am still trying to figure out its meaning and hope to have some idea sooner rather than later. The blog is my way of thinking out loud this puzzling but fascinating philosophical quote by a very learned man.  

While I think about this quote, I start having more questions than answers. Unfortunately he did not say how much to examine your life and when to stop examining your life. When does it start to become an over-examined life? Is an over-examined life easy to live? I always took this quote to heart and even today try to do some soul searching almost all the time. Am I doing the right thing? Am I behaving like a reasonable person with good moral and ethical standards? This continuous soul searching has made me feel good deep inside about myself even though more often than not I have had to walk an extra mile to live up to these high moral and ethical standards.  The more important question comes when I see all around me events, people who clearly are not subjecting themselves to high standards. I ask myself ,"are they examining their lives? Probably not but they seem happy, and enjoying life like they are supposed to enjoy one precious life. So how come their life is not worth living?"

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